
Jorge Ferreira
Lançamento novos sabores da meia.dúzia®

Launching new flavors by meia.dúzia®

meia.dúzia® was present at the 6th Anniversary of Centro Comercial Bombarda, in Porto, where it presented its 2 new flavors with Fundão Cherry.

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Jorge Ferreira
A meia.dúzia® hoje no programa Praça da Alegria, na RTP1

meia.dúzia® today on Praça da Alegria, RTP1

meia.dúzia® is today's guest on the Praça da Alegria on RTP1, with Tânia Ribas Oliveira and João Baião.

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Jorge Ferreira
meia.dúzia® na loja My Portuguese Friends em Braine - l’Alleud, Bélgica

meia.dúzia® at My Portuguese Friends store in Braine - l'Alleud, Belgium

meia.dúzia® products are now in Belgium at the My Portuguese Friends store in Braine.

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Jorge Ferreira
A meia.dúzia® no Salão de Inovação Rural do Ave, em Fafe

meia.dúzia® at the Rural Innovation Hall of Ave, in Fafe

meia.dúzia® is present at the Rural Innovation Hall of Ave, in Fafe.

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