News — Compotas Artesanais

Jorge Ferreira
As melhores compotas portuguesas em bisnaga | meia.dúzia®

The best artisanal jams in the world in tubes

Jams in tubes by meia.dúzia®, among the best artisanal jams in the world. Handmade, with PDO fruits and 100% Portuguese.

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Jorge Ferreira
Compotas em bisnaga à venda no E.Leclerc de Famalicão

Jams in tube for sale at E.Leclerc in Famalicão

This is a great opportunity for everyone from Famalicão to be able, in a massive and expressive way, to value local products, buying products with the Made IN Famalicão seal in supermarkets.

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Jorge Ferreira
Compotas em bisnaga meia.duzia no Supermercado Bandeirinha de Famalicão!

Jams in tube by meia.dúzia at Bandeirinha supermarket in Famalicão!

Buying products from Famalicão brands such as the meia.dúzia, in Famalicão, is now an easier than ever.

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