News — Ideias de Presentes

Jorge Ferreira
Descubra 10 Ideias de Prendas para o Dia do Pai

6 gift ideas for Father's Day

To make Father's Day 2022 unforgettable, we suggest reversing roles. When it was once the father who offered us treats and sweets, now we offer him traditional sweets.

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Jorge Ferreira
Top 10 Ideias para Presentes de Natal - Produtos Gourmet Portugueses

Top 10 Christmas Gift Ideas - Gourmet Products

The Christmas season is approaching, and we all have one or many gifts to offer to the special people in our life, discover a selection of the 10 best gourmet gifts!

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Jorge Ferreira
10 Ideias de presentes para o dia da Mãe 🎁

10 Gift Ideas for Mother's Day 🎁

Mother's day is approaching and as is tradition, it is a day that we always gift our mothers with something special, because our mother is unique and always deserves to be reminded of how much we love her.

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Jorge Ferreira
10 Ideias de Presentes para a Madrinha 🎁 | Sabores de Portugal

10 Ideias de Presentes para a Madrinha 🎁 | Sabores de Portugal

Aproxima-se o Páscoa, e como é tradição é época de oferecer um presente aos padrinhos, em alguns países no dia de Ramos, o domingo antes da Páscoa. É nesta altura que se fortalece o convívio entre padrinhos e afilhados.

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